PRP is a concentration of blood platelets and growth factors obtained from the patient’s own blood using centrifugation techniques can be utilized immediately for clinical use. They contribute to the regulation of homeostasis and promote wound repair. In the plasma, numerous proteins are contained, such as insulin-like growth factor IGF, platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), platelet factor interleukin (IL), platelet-derived angiogenesis factor (PDAF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), transforming growth factor (TGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and fibronectin (Lubkowska, 2012). Such anabolic growth factors inhibit inflammation and pain, as well as enhance the cartilage and bone matrix biosynthesis (Brandl, 2010)...
Source: Advanced Orthopedics and Sports Medicine Institute
Obesity has been linked to early structural changes including the presence of joint cartilage defects which stimulates the onset of osteoarthritis (Wang, 2007). The normalized body weight, muscle mass, muscle strength collectively decrease OA progression. In contrary to muscle mass, lower extremity fat mass increases the chance of joint-space width (Sowers, 2008), cartilage defects (Berry, 2010), and cartilage loss (Cicuttini, 2005). In obese patients the chronic weight load results in increased risk of incident OA, due to direct excessive impact on the joint biomechanics and tissue structures (Sowers, 2010). As a result, in the United States alone the number of total knee arthroplasties skyrocketed since 2004 to over 450,000. This number is predicted to increase up to 3.48 million by 2030 (Kurtz, 2007)...
Source: R. C. Atkins, MD “Dr. Atkins’ New Diet Revolution”, 2002.